
I enjoyed my interactions with my mentor and supervisor as well as other Jazz employees, and working in Pharma, which was a new learning experience. I was able to contribute my Python skills as well as grow skills within Biostats; it was a mutually beneficial experience. I had a lot of great support throughout my internship.

— Intern, Summer 2022

As a Mentor, this was a rewarding experience for me. I have mentored students in the past; it was refreshing to have this opportunity again—especially knowing your support was available, as needed.

— Company Mentor, 2022

It was very heartwarming to see [my intern] blossom and gain confidence during the course of her internship. [She] also took constructive feedback well and implemented changes right away. This really showed professional maturity.

— Company Supervisor, 2022

Intern Demographics & Universities

  • Undergraduates—rising juniors, seniors, and new graduates
  • People of color (POC)
  • From low-income families
  • First-generation college students
  • Studying: biology, chemistry, finance, marketing, business, computer science, medicine, law, and communications

Our MVP Partners



Pioneering Collective

Health Monitor

LSC Event Planning

Taurus Hlth

Relevate Health


CMI Media Group

Otsuka Pharmaceuticals